Houston St. (RTH)
79th St. & Riverside (RTH)
Highbridge (RTH)
Inwood Hll (RTH)
Greenwood Cemetery (RTH)
55 Water (peregrines)
86th and CPW (kestrels)
The 5th ave., 7th ave and St. John red-tailed nests are all still quiet. Should be soon before we know one way or the other for all. Unknown nests include Riverside Church, Broadway Bridge and Met Life for Peregrines and the dozen or so kestrel scrapes around Manhattan. Also there are rumors of Great Horned Owl and Screech owl fledges. Any info on these areas, just shoot me an email. Till then, here's a roundup of the action.
79th St. 1st Baptist Church
The female kestrel who nests down the block.
The nest with female.
Carefully stripping off bits for the babies.
The male dove over the highway from a favored water tower!
A super from a building overlooking the Park confirms 2 chicks, but I was not able to gain entrance. While there, I met another photographer who took some pix from the reverse angle. Here's the a posting of Beth Bergman's excellent photos!
Part of what is great about nests, is that birders congregate and share stories. Beth told of finding a roosting red bat amongst the false cherry blossoms!
Photo Courtesy of Beth Bergman
After witnessing 2 feedings, I wended east to Central Park. I was just getting my camera ready when the male flew in with prey!
He then flew out and landed in the park!
While in the Park, I could just make out the female feeding young!
Up at the Cathedral, the scaffolding is now more extensive than ever.
It should be soon before we know how this nest will turn out.
Here's some warblers!
Female Palm
It was good at catching bugs.
Yellow Rumped Warblers
Ruby Crowned (you can just see this one's).
and a blue headed vireo.