Saturday, December 30, 2006

Harlem Raptors

My early morning forays to track the kestrels and red-tails that reside in my neighborhood have produced only the occasional sighting. When the weather changed, I decided to try my luck in the late afternoon. After searching their favorite perches, I found the kestrel pair in the northern part of their territory.

The male then took off and made a dive on a surpised starling!

I then tracked him to some new perches, opposite the 30th Pct.

I also noticed that scads of starlings were on watch duty. They seemed to be paying attention to something other than the kestrels.

In St. Nicholas Park, I found the reason why.

For a minute, I thought I might be on the menu.

But then he was off...

and made a run at some pigeons.

Happy New Year to all!

1 comment:

Aaron Cook said...

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Hi Yojimbot,

Thanks for visiting Home Business Today! Good to see you here! :)

I believe they ended up on your blog via the "NEXT BLOG" button at the top (upper right-hand corner) of my blog.

Since my Home Business Today blog is updated frequently, Blogger sends traffic to the other Blogger blogs via the "Next Blog" button on my site. :)

Hope that helps!

Shine on,