Monday, October 15, 2007

Inwood Hill: Part 2

With the northwest wind, I decided to try my luck at Inwood Hill Park. The high bluff make it the ideal place to spot lines of hawks and eagles as they make their way down the Hudson. The immense scale takes some getting used to, but my count was 2 bald eagles, 3 turkey vultures, 3 osprey, 3 red tailed hawks, 2 peregrines (at Bway Bridge), and one adult red-shouldered--a lifer! There were also abundant passerines in the under brush including jays, titmice, chickadees, red bellied wps, wrens, cardinals and other warblers. It's beauty and variety are truly breath-taking and I urge anyone who can to go in the next week as the trees change. Anyway, here's a part of what I saw...the rest were either too far or to fast!

I started the trip at Bway Bridge and 235th. After waiting for 30 min, a preternatural shreik pierced the din of the traffic and a huge peregrine swooped in on some pigeons. It missed but settled in the sun.

It then hopped and jumped around the super structure, trying to ambush pigeons roosting.

It was hard work getting a clear shot, but it flew out and circled round.

Coming to rest in its favorite perch.

Moving on, wound around to the north entrance of the Park.
There were copious gulls, geese and ducks.

The park itself is known as the only part of Manhattan that was never clear cut.

That richness creates a perfect venue for tons of diversity.

The RTH nest looks to be in great shape.

Coming to the scenic overlook, the favorable wind made for some great hawk watching!
I immediately saw a huge bird flying low and to the north...based on the photo, I'd say bald eagle!

The strong wind creates an updraft along the face of the cliff. Many hawks and vultures were using this to gain altitude and hunt. They would hang on the breeze, making thousands of tiny adjustments to stay in one place. I got close views of one of the resident adult redtails, as well as one juvy (maybe a baby from this nest!)
Its said that peregrines have returned to these cliff!

Some turkey vultures made some close passes.

There was also a few ospreys waaaaay off.

And of course, the highlight, an Adult Red-Shouldered!

Winding around, I made my way past the artificial wetland, Smuggler's Cove.

And of course you can't have a turkey vulture, without a turkey...the venerable Hedda Gobler continues her run!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blog,'s hard as the devil for an older person to read stuff on a black background, and even with cable, I had to blow away firefox because it was still loading all those photos on one page after about ten minutes. multiple pages would be better...