Sunday, August 27, 2006

Almost Home

As the summer proceeds, it has been fascinating to watch this year's crop of fledglings mature. Equally interesting are the parents who continue--but to a lesser degree--responding to their recent offsprings incessent begging for food and protection. Here is the mocker fledgling, doing just that!

The parent came on scene, but no feeing was observed.

The same held true for one of my juvy kestrels. Here the young male attempts to flee from a trio of recently fledge crows!

Mom soon appeared and ran the raucous group off!

The situation of wild fledged birds contrasts starkly to this situation of this poor guy. Oh, he got his freedom alright but his chances of survival are low.

And then there's this guy. Content with the gilded cage we've setup for him.

Gratuitous butterfly pic!

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