Sunday, September 16, 2012

Harlem Kestrels

Over the past few weeks, I have had many brief or fleeting views of the various raptors migrating through. The only bird that I have been getting fairly good looks at are some of the kestrels that have dispersed through the area. I found this brother and sister hunting grasshoppers over a recently cleared lot on Lenox and 125th street. KestrelHunt Kestrel Hunt Kestrel Hunt After returning with his prey, his sister showed up! Kestrels Hunt Then tore out after some starlings. Kestrels Hunt Here's an adult chasing out one of the two juveniles RTH's that were in the area today. RTHvsKestrel Still no sightings of the Cathedral hawks.


Kathy C. said...

Hey JOB! Miss your photos on FB (since I deleted my account in June)!
~ Kathy

yojimbot said...

Hey how have you been? Email me your email addy to yojimbot at gmail dot com. Cheers!

Kathy said...

Email coming your way :)