Sunday, January 27, 2008

Full Circle

More narratives from the Parks above 110th St. Redtailed Hawks, American Kestrels, Cooper's Hawks and Peregrine Falcons all continue through the area, both hunting for prey and warding off each other.
The resident male Kestrel,

A juvy RTH hunting over the Meer.

He even went after this female hooded Merganser!

Also on the Meer,

Meanwhile, over the Douglas Houses on Amsterdam, 3 perched RTHs.

Lording over these cold pigeons.

Across to Riverside, an eagle

and another juvy RTH!

Also in the park were
gold finch



and ybss!

At the north end of the park, some 40 blocks from the first juvy, I caught a fleeting shadow from my peripheral. I swung around just in time to see another juvy RTH come right over my shoulder!
It made several well intentioned, but awkward attempts on this squirrel.
Here it is in flv,

and here in pix!

Which one do y'all prefer?
As I walked home in the stiff clear air, I swung through Mourningside to watch the sunlight deepen over Manhattan Ave. There was a familiar silouette among my favorite lookouts!

Suddenly a familiar shape emerged over the hill!

Boy, the Cooper's sure saw that too!

And lit off in pursuit...

Just then, my camera died. The Cooper's flew off before I could get another battery in, but I did watch the Cathedral Male chow down!

The Cycle Completes!

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