Unfortunately it appears the Bald Eagle nest failed this year. But that doesnt stop them from harassing and generally lording over the Osprey Maze.

And while its sad this nest was not successful, bald eagles are enjoying a huge resurgence in NJ. In addition, the Osprey are back and in even greater number this time. I counted a few more nests this year so at this point lets just say they are every where. At some point I might even do a survey of the entire area.

One of the cooler things in the day was the discovery of a kestrel nest! This is the first one I've found in Monmouth County. What's interesting about it is that they made it at the foot of the eagle nest, undoubtedly for the protection from hawks that it provides.

Here you can see they took an old starling nest in this light fixture, and the eagle nest is right there next to it.

What they do is slide over the light bulb and I guess there a cavity back there. Havent been in the night to see if the light is actually on but Im guessing there's no way it is as those sodium lights get super hot.