Predators both old and new converge on the fall bounty! Here the annual rth's take up their favored perch. While the resident kestrels find these migrants Veery easy pickings. Here a young Coopers makes quick work of a junco!
As the cooler air moves in, animals instintively form up into flocks. Crows, starlings, juncos, sparrow, raptors, even warblers can be found in large groups. Here's Part 1, the songbirds! zzzzzzzzzzzz huh? ummm, bye! sleep well my friend.
Fall is a time of intense transition here in the city. Large groups of migrants continue to pour through the area...while raptors that have traditionally been part of their numbers, have greater incentive to remain. Here's the female kestrel from the UWS. While the Harlem pair remain in their warm weather range. Here one of the Highbridge hawks uses the stiff breeze to hunt pidgeons! Meanwhile in Highbridge Park, these migrantscontinue through. On the other hand, these year-round residents seek out their next meal.