Here you can see some of the tar hanging off its beak that was also on its feet and tail feathers. It also had a bit of blood from where it bit its tongue.
As I circled the block, I noticed the Marble Cemetery was just south so I wanted to see how the hawk may have been drawn in there while chasing a large flock of pigeons that congregates there. To my surprise, there was another juvenile red-tailed hawk on the very building I had just come from. There is no doubt in my mind that there is a nest somewhere very close to that area, that is separate and distinct from the nest near Washington Sq. Park. Perhaps it is the reconstituted Houston St. pair from 2008? I noticed Tompkins Sq. Park is just north of this location, but have not found a nest there. Also of note is an American Kestrel nest on this block and many people told me of the Common Raven found there. The East Village is going to the birds!!!
Great job and great pictures. The raven, Samantha, is a transplant non-releasable that lives in the cemetery.
As always, gorgeous photos!
And, the raven was named Samantha. She's not been seen for a few months now, so I wonder if the hawks and kestrel have pushed her out?
That's my building!! I watched one of them grab a pigeon from mid air once... and it landed on the fire escape. Love nature in a the big city!
Thanks for the comments y'all. Im definitely going to be staking it out come Spring...anyone with rooftop access? As for Samantha, who cares for the bird?
The person who seems to know most about the raven is Gammablog:
As far as I know, she's not been seen since summer, but she was in the cemetery for a few years before that. No one seems to know who brought her there or who takes care of her. I'd love to know more if anyone has information.
I live in Stuyvesant Town and I think this juvi's parents live in Stuyvesant Town. I see one large Hawk on almost a daily basis in an area that is approximately 16th St and Avenue A. But then again that just a short hop from Tompkin's Square Park. I'm pretty sure the "Tompkin's Square" "Houston Street" "Stuyvesant Square" Hawks are the same hawks using different hunting grounds
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